Note: Tools4Church is Not Currently Accepting New Clients

Mobile Access Tool

Access your church membership database via phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop including member photos, contact information, and family member names.

Annual Church Budget Price Per Month
under $300,000 30
$300,000+ 50

Pastoral Care Tool

(inludes Mobile Access)

Take and share pastoral care notes and set reminders for follow-up, track hospitalizations, rehab stays, homebound lists, and more along with facility locations.

Annual Church Budget Price Per Month
under $300,000 50
$300,000+ 75

Financial Analaytics Tool

(inludes Mobile Access)

View giving demographics and trends in easy-to-understand charts and graphs.

Annual Church Budget Price Per Month*
under $300,000 75
$300,000+ 99

New Client Setup

(one-time fee)
